Review Article on Cardiovascular Disease and Cardiometabolic Risk: Advances in Understanding Pathophysiology, Public Health Burden and Clinical Care

Current concepts in the management of stable ischemic heart disease and acute coronary syndrome in patients with hemophilia

Ahmad Y. Jabbar, Hassan Baydoun, Maissaa Janbain, Keith C. Ferdinand


Coronary artery disease (CAD), including stable ischemic heart disease (SIHD) and acute coronary syndrome (ACS), remains the leading cause of death in the US and one of the primary modalities used in the treatment of CAD is percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Despite the potential benefits of PCI in high risk CAD patients, the risk of hemorrhage presents a dilemma in the treatment of patients with hemophilia A and B. In an attempt to provide guidance on the management of SIHD and ACS in patients with hemophilia, we present the case of a patient with moderate hemophilia B and ACS who subsequently underwent PCI followed by a review of the associated literature.

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