COVID-19 spread, wildlife protection and the response capacity on public health crisis: empirical research of 31 provinces and cities in China

Posted On 2020-05-10 05:36:33

Background: According to epidemiological investigation, many cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) pneumonia occurred in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China in December 2019. It is a respiratory infectious disease caused by human-to-human transmission and the host of COVID-19 is likely to be wild animals. On January 23, 2020, the Chinese government adopted emergency management measures to conduct closed management for Wuhan, and 31 provinces, cities and autonomous regions initiated a first-level emergency response, calling on nationals to isolate themselves at home for 14 days.

Methods: Taking January 24 as the starting point, this paper systematically analyzes and sorts out the trend of virus spread during the 14-day isolation period, explores the relationship between COVID-19 and wildlife protection, researches wildlife protection system built and the intervention measures taken by all provinces and departments in China to cope with the public health crisis by applying statistical and text analysis methods.

Results: With the development of government emergency measures, the mortality rate is decreasing and the cumulative cured cases showed an approximately exponential growth pattern. The spread of the epidemic has a certain “geographical”, the core of diffuse storm is in Wuhan. China’s emergency response measures have effectively controlled the spread of the epidemic, but wildlife protection needs to be strengthened in the future.

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