
Screening of three-dimensional spheroids of ovarian cancer: identification of novel therapeutics targeting stemness and chemoresistance

Neveen Said


Epithelial ovarian cancer (OvCa) is the leading cause of death from gynecologic malignancies in the United States (1). More than 75% of patients are diagnosed at late stages due to the insipient protracted nature of the disease and lack of specific diagnostic symptoms and/or biomarkers (2). Despite aggressive surgical debulking and cytoreduction, 80% patients experience recurrence of a chemo-resistant disease with limited treatment options (1,3). The standard of care (SOC) treatment is aggressive surgery followed by platinum-taxane chemotherapy, or neo-adjuvant chemotherapy followed by surgery (2). However, cisplatin-resistance and recurrence develop in 25% of patients as early as 6 months, with the overall 5-year survival hovering around 30–40% (1,2).

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